Does it Hurt?

During treatment, many patients feel warm, prickly sensation as energy enters their skin. After treatment a pink or red “sunburn” appearance is also common. Topical anesthetic ointments and cooling are used to reduce unpleasant feelings during treatment.

When Can I Expect to See Results?

Typically, treatment protocol is 3 treatments, 4-6 weeks apart. The total number of required treatment sessions depends on your skin’s condition.

Is Sublative Right for Me?

Treatment is a safe and effective solution for most skin types.

How Does Sublative Work?

RF energy is precisely directed into the skin in the form of a matrix. Healthy skin around the dots accelerated the healing process of the skin. Post treatment, new collagen and healthy skin cells are produced. Mild to moderate wrinkles and superficial imperfections of your skin’s tone and texture are reduced.

Do Treatments with Sublime Hurt?

Sublime is gentle, comfortable treatment requiring no downtime. Many patients return to normal activities immediately after the treatment.

Is Sublime Right for Me?

Elos technology is a safe and effective solution for most skin types.