
Belkyra (also known as Kybella in the US) is a brand new treatment option for that stubborn double chin. Recently released in Canada and in the US as Kybella, Belkyra has already become a patient favorite treatment for that pesky extra chin fat. Belkyra is produced by Allergan, the makers of both Botox and Juvederm.

Medically coined “submental fullness,” a double chin is essentially a small fat pocket that sits just under the skin.
For some people their double chin is inherited from their parents, for others it is acquired over time. Fortunately, Belkyra works to permanently eliminate this double chin fat, regardless of the cause. Belkyra is essentially identical to the same product your body uses naturally to break down fat in your food.

Belkyra does not require any anesthetic or pain medication prior to treatment. A series of 2-4 Belkyra treatments (every 6 weeks) are usually required for optimal results. It is safe and effective in both men and women.

After injection, Belkyra begins to work immediately, and will continue to work over the next days to weeks.

Belkyra treatment takes only a few minutes, and you can resume your daily activities immediately.

If you have a double chin that you’re tired of seeing in pictures or in the mirror and if  you are looking for an effective, and permanent option, then Belkyra may be the right treatment for you.