IPL Photo RejuvenationHealth and Beauty Go Hand-in-Hand

Look younger, be happier and feel healthier with Med Cosmetics Clinic’s IPL Photo Rejuvenation treatment. This safe, non-invasive procedure is tailored to your individual condition and skin type, providing superior cosmetic results and outstanding satisfaction. With IPL Photo Rejuvenation, you will improve facial skin imperfections including fine lines, wrinkles, rosacea, age spots and uneven pigmentation and vascular lesions, and small spider veins.

Intense Pulse Light (IPL) system is a safe, FDA approved technology to correct the appearance of damaged skin, leaving skin looking healthy and youthful. As we age, our skin is exposed to the harmful UV rays, smoke and other pollutants. Our skin undergoes a transformation; visible and invisible signs of aging appear. These signs of aging can now be addressed with an IPL Photo Rejuvenation.

Our goal is to ensure you receive the best technology available to date. At Med Cosmetics Clinic, IPL Photo Rejuvenation procedures are performed with elos, the first and only technology that uses combined energies to effectively and gently restore and rejuvenate the appearance of your skin. Elos Safely and comfortably fades the appearance of skin imperfections caused by the sun, and uneven skin tones caused by brown and red spots (such as rosacea, spider veins and age spots).

For more information about Photo Rejuvenation, please visit
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